I did some more search on this issue.

With libmosquitto and some client implementation (thank you, Yuvraaj), the
push service may be possbile with the Mer testplattform.

The problem with this is, that the guys from whisper systems have to
include this push service within there server application. But I didn't
think that they would do this with an experimental server.

So what we really need is to get Jolla or the Mer Project to set up a
reliable push service with an good API...


2016-02-02 20:00 GMT+01:00 Yuvraaj <yuvr...@gmail.com>:

> I had ported libmosquitto to Diablo and Maemo so that I could use it in my
> app qgvdial.
> I've even pulled out the class I used into a separate repository so that
> anyone else can use it:
> https://github.com/uvatbc/simplify/tree/master/qt/mqclient
> Hope this helps.
> -UV
> On 02/02/2016 06:04 AM, Tone Kastlunger wrote:
> AFAIK, someone had putted together a concept-proof push service.
> On Mon, Feb 1, 2016 at 9:14 PM, Erik Lundin <e...@lists.lun.nu> wrote:
>> Den 2016-02-01 kl. 19:58, skrev george b:
>>> The only missing thing is a working push service to get a real user
>>> experience with a messaging application.
>>> Does anyone know something about that? I didn't find any good resources
>>> about this topic on the internet.
>> There exists a question about that at TJC [1]. One idea, described at
>> [2], seems to be to use an MQTT based service. Not much seems to have
>> happened the last years though.
>> I'm not involved in any of this myself but thought I could share what I
>> have seen, since I also think it would be nice with some push service for
>> SFOS.
>> /Erik
>> [1] https://together.jolla.com/question/9724/push-notifications/
>> [2] https://wiki.merproject.org/wiki/Middleware/PushNotifications
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