
On Tue, Dec 16, 2014 at 06:42:37PM +0100, Oleg Hahm wrote:
> > So in that case, you can't even (legally) sell a product based on RIOT
> > without it (and you) being mentioned.
> Referring to a discussion I had with Hauke over lunch: would have RIOT to be
> mentioned only in the code or on the sold product (let's say an Internet
> connected toy dinosaur)?

After thinking a bit about this and searching a bit on the web [1], I
conclude that the quoted MIT license requires this implicitly while
the BSD licenses are explicit about it.

Cheers, Ludwig

Exemplary result:
Most licenses, open source or commercial, require that a copy of the
copyright, patent, trademark, and attribution notices from the source
software be distributed verbatim with the product using that software.
Examples are GNU Public License (GPL), Microsoft Public License (MPL),
and MIT license.  Note that even if the source code is not distributed
with your product, the copyright and other attribution must be
distributed with your software.
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