Hi Jan,

On Wed, 4 Feb 2015, Jan Wagner wrote:

> i just installed placecam, do you send out the meeting link to this 
> mailing list or person based emails?. i would like to join tomorrow 
> and if needed would request that link.
  Hauke will provide the link tomorrow via the mailing list.

>  ps. do i need a cam or is audiio only ok?
  You don't need a cam, audio is fine.


Matthias Waehlisch
.  Freie Universitaet Berlin, Inst. fuer Informatik, AG CST
.  Takustr. 9, D-14195 Berlin, Germany
.. mailto:waehli...@ieee.org .. http://www.inf.fu-berlin.de/~waehl
:. Also: http://inet.cpt.haw-hamburg.de .. http://www.link-lab.net
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