Hello Egbert,

First people advocated that XFree86 has a bugzilla. Now we have one and people complain that it is broken.

Our expertise is developing X not running a bugzilla.

Where are the people with this expertise, the volunteers who step up and offer to help us to tweak it so it suits
our needs best?

I have some limited experience with bugzilla, having it adapted and introduced within our company. If someone could at least list some of the problems, so that I can estimate the time requirements, I would be willing to maintain the XFree86 bugzilla.

About me:
Using Linux for about 10 years; working professionally with
Linux as a SW architect in embedded and server environments.

btw. we "know" each other from some Linux meetings, I am the guy
talking about the c&t driver for embedded system requirements;
maybe you remember.



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