Mike A. Harris wrote:

> On Sun, 10 Aug 2003, Warren Turkal wrote:
>>Date: Sun, 10 Aug 2003 19:06:58 -0500
>>From: Warren Turkal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>>Subject: patch for ia64 page size
>>Here is a patch for page size problems on ia64 and radeon.
>>Patch by Chris Ahna:
>>Fixes critical page size problems on ia64 architecture.  See following URL
>>Comment by [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> Why are you submitting _my_ patch, without even asking me about
> it?  If you had, I'd have told you that that patch is an ugly
> mess, not suitable for upstream submission for numerous reasons.
> It works, but it is far from clean and ready for inclusion in
> CVS.
> Before submitting my patches upstream, please contact me first to
> find out what my own plans are.  I generally send patches
> upstream myself personally when I feel they are ready to be
> included upstream.  If I haven't, it is a good idea to ask me why
> not first.  I can save you some headaches.

These patches are included in the debian packages for X. I was trying to
make sure that the stuff got included in X so that other distributions
could take advantage of it. I simply tried to make it apply and then sent
it to the list in hopes that more knowledgable developers would let me know
its status or include it if they chose. I was just trying to help.

Warren Turkal
Treasurer, GOLUM, Inc.

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