Jim Gettys wrote:
Fixing in a proxy things that can/should be fixed elsewhere
is a bandaid.  Bandaids are useful, however; that doesn't
mean we shouldn't fix the X and/or how the X protocol
is being used.

I don't see why, by saying that NX is good, I necessa- rily would imply that X must not be improved. X *must* be improved and I think that the work taking place to improve it is *really* welcome. I don't think I can be misinterpreted on this. Infact only by improving X we'll be able to achieve the level of performance that we expect from NX. On the other hand I don't see an agent/proxy system as a bandaid and I really think that X alone will never be able to match the NX performance. I think that X needs an infrastructure and specific strategies to multiplex traffic and provide additional functionalities that only a proxy system is able to offer. The "one X size fits all" approach can't work in this case. Even NFS can work across the Internet, but if you want to mount a Terabyte of storage and run Oracle on it across a modem you would better use a distributed, fault tolerant, caching file-system or let a system preserving NFS semantic do that in seam- less and transparent way.

We are doing that system and I think that the proof
of the pudding is in eating. You are still not saying
why you don't want to try this stuff. I would really
appreciate your opinion ;-). After all we are working
at solving the same problems from a different perspec-

/Gian Filippo.

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