Suresh asked:
> > > Has anyone come across X applications re-engineered for low bandwidth
> > > networks, This in the context of thin clients.

On Mon, 31 May 2004, Suresh clarified:
> Latency is not an issue,
> I am looking at a deployment where I have a 1MBPS  upstream and 6MBPS
> downstream bandwidth,
> The bandwidth issue comes from the fact that the number of users is going be
> high, a few hundreds. Hence the effective bandwidth per user is going to
> drop with the number of simultaneous users going up, that's when the
> response is going to become less predictable.

Ah. Lower bandwidth, but much like coax ethernet which many
(the majority ?) of X setups used in the early years.
My experience of those days was with monochrome displays,
which reduced the bandwidth needed for images,
and text dominated graphics, not like the image-rich environment today.
If you can persuade your users to go back to the style of X applications
of ten years ago you may find them perfectly usable. We uses a lot of 
25MHz Sun SLCs and 33MHz Sun ELCs, so you are likely to have a lot more
cpu available, for things like ssh compression.

Your original subject was "Reengineering X applications" - 
what sort of reengineering are you able to do ?
Are you thinking of suppling a small number of apps which have been
modified to make most effective use of your network ?

I do remember hearing that one version (4?) of netscape used a ridiculous
number of pixmaps - perhaps 60 for a single window, which does lead 
towards image overload.
The XFree86 shadowfb module renders into a memory framebuffer and
optimizes refreshes of out of date rectangles. IIRC this helped
netscape performance a lot on graphics cards with slow framebuffers.
I think this was used in a VNC driver for XFree86 (not part of XFree86
for GPL reasons, but available at ).

If all your apps are going to be running on a remote machine anyway,
you may find that something like VNC performs better than X over your 

[Apologies to the nomachine people for not commenting on NX, I've never 
used it and your site appears to be down, so I can't refresh my memory.]

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