> +1 from me to add this to QtCore
[Kalinowski Maurice] 

What is the purpose of adding those items to QtCore?
Is it that it "feels" more stable when it is inside that module, or because you 
need this feature on a regular basis?

At least personally, I never needed to implement a service, yet see it is 
useful to have a supported API in case I had to develop on such. But would I 
want to carry it around with every project I work on? Probably not...

One can also follow previous discussions about bloating Qt Core with items and 
features that clearly were not meant for 90% of use-cases, still they got added 
to the module. This causes projects like Qt Lite to arise where you can leave 
those out again, coming with the cost of manually compiling Qt for your project 
and potentially losing support.

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