> It really irks me when I can't give a clear answer and water the already
> planted seed of how wonderful and easy E-smith is.  Which it is, don't get
> me wrong - but the whole dynamic IP thing and various flavours of ADSL are
> really putting a strain on the perception these people have of ease of use.
> In getting their office online and emailed and all that....
> I am off to hassle some Telstra techo's.  Any words of advice and wisdom
> from any others in a similar boat??

Well you should.  Crappy limited internet service with all kinds of shitty
non-standard limitations should not reflect negatively on e-smith or any
other router/gateway product.

If you look at the fine print of their conditions-of-service agreement, or
whatever, you will find the weasel words.  You will find, as I did, that
trying to run a gateway as well as a dynamic DNS host is fraught with

It is exactly what you want to do that they wish to thwart: having
anything other than client-side services eminmate from their connection.

They are trying to sell the promise of high-speed internet access without
truly providing it.


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