> Adding the server-manager toggle makes it easy for people who do not know
> the ramifications to enable roaming profiles. If they are as problematic
> as the people on this list say, it is better for it to be a conscious
> decision at the command line, covered by a HOWTO.
Gordon, I respectfully disagree on this point.  It's seems that one of the
main objectives of the e-smith/SME setup has always been to minimize the
chance of a person getting in and altering standard Linux configuration
files.  Adding a toggle in the server-manager goes further towards this
objective than putting the solution in a HOWTO.  Granted the command line
solution you have developed makes it very simply to change between the
profile types.   It's not the veteran SME user that is going to mess this
up, it's the new-comer to e-smith who has just enough Linux knowledge to be
dangerous.  They've read the Samba HowTos and FAQs and know they can get
into the smb.conf file and make changes to parameters x and y and presto
roaming profiles.  I see people in the experienced users group doing this

> Adding the server-manager toggle means that support people will need to
> know how to support roaming profiles and know about the problems and
> resolutions.  People will toggle it, and they must be fully supported
> when they do so.
There are options in the server manager much more dangerous than this one.

> If you advise your customers against roaming profiles, why would you want
> an easy toggle for them to cause you support load? If you know your
I guess I don't see this option in this light.  It seems to me that adding
this to the server-manager will make the SME server a more turn-key windows
replacement server.  Take my situation for example.  The ONLY reason I
starting diving into the e-smith/SME structure was to get samba working
right for my office.  Not that I'm sorry I took the time, as I've learned a
great deal from the experience.


Greg Zartman

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