On Sat, 1 Dec 2001 06:50, Darrell May wrote:

> > I thought you were one of the advocates of roaming profiles
> An incorrect assumption.  Some people require roaming profiles.  I have
> simply worked to make this possible but never have I publicly recommended
> them.  Anyone that has asked me directly, my answer has remained
> consistent.  I guess no one onlist asked me so I did not make this
> statement previously?  My apologies.

Given this statement, is it possible for *some* users to have roaming 
profiles?  I know I personally dislike roaming profiles under Windoze, since 
there tends to be a configuration "fight" between installation of Windoze on 
different machines, but equally, I recognise that they're absolutely 
necessary in some circumstances.

I must admit, I don't know if Samba will support this or not...

> > We are too late in the cycle to provide
> > the user interface toggle, update documentation, etc.
> Gordon, I took a look at the Workgroup panel. If you use the existing
> DomainMaster implementation as a guide, adding an additional
> RoamingProfile entry is possible.  A simple cut/paste/edit with the
> addition of a SambaRoamingProfiles entry to /home/e-smith/configuration
> and the panel would be complete.

Personally, I'd prefer a change to the "Modify user account" panel that has a 
checkbox to enable/disable roaming profiles...

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