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Subject: Re: [e-smith-devinfo] Masq modules
Date: Fri, 8 Feb 2002 14:33:30 -0500
From: w9ya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Finally someone at e-smith/Mitel that can state the obvious without being in
middle of a cat-fight. Thank you.

Now, perhaps we can take this a step further. Many other distros are being
used for firewalling, including firewall centered distros (clarkconnect among
others), that successfully use the 2.4 kernel. There are plenty of examples
of distros that have moved early and successfully to the these newer kernels,
including manged server distros.

It would be nice if e-smith/Mitel could give us a time-line of when these
discussed and/or needed changes are planned to take place. If there is no
reasonable answer forthcoming, please do not spend the time to reply.


On Friday 08 February 2002 12:38 pm, you wrote:
> Following on what David Brown wrote:
> > Masq modules, OTOH
> > seem to be far more daunting, as they involve actual coding.  Anyone
> > truly interested in this thread should look into the status of masq
> > modules for the 2.4 kernel to see if they can help port the ones we need
> > from the 2.2 kernel series.
> I did find this page on the status of IP Masquerading modules:
>   http://www.e-infomax.com/ipmasq/matrix24.html
> The page does not indicate how recent it was updated, and I have contacted
> the author to find out.
> Also, all masquerading in 2.4 ultimately uses netfilter/iptables, whose
> home page is at:
>   http://www.netfilter.org/
> > Not only would this help your favorite Linux distro, it
> > would benefit the Linux community at large.
> Yes, indeed.  Someone out there needs to port those modules, or all of us
> using gateways are stuck in the situation of either: a) continuing to use
> 2.2; or b) losing functionality that has been there since 2.0.
> I don't know if it is something anyone here can do, nor do I know who we
> can encourage to do so out there in the larger developer community, but
> ultimately it needs to be done if 2.4 is going to thrive.
> My 2 cents, (Canadian)
> Dan


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