On Sun, Jan 26, 2003 at 09:55:22PM +1100, fish wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 25, 2003 at 11:49:46AM -0500, Gianni Johansson wrote:
> > 1) This doesn't belong in Fred's JVM. We have enough problems 
> > undertanding/bounding fred's resource consumption as it is.
> [exaggeration]
> You could say the same about fec generally, and I'm sure you could make a 
> similar argument about fproxy as a whole
> [/exaggeration]
> Seriously, I honestly can see your argument.  You should be aware that there
> are quite a few people who disagree with you on this, howver, and several of
> them said to me that life would be better if there was a version of it
> which could be possibly integrated into fred.
> This being said, I don't think this application is really *that* intensive -
> it only runs at most around 15 requests at a time with the default settings, 
> which are admittedly not the most sensible, and around 25-30 requests at a 
> time with a buffer of 5 blocks, which is more sensible.
Hmmm. That's pushing it IMHO. What does the thread load look like?
> > 2) How do you plan to address QOS?  I have asked this question several times 
> > and each time it is ignored.  
> My plans involve not addressing QOS in exactly the way that everyone else 
> doesn't.
> One could theoretically add QOS support at FNP level, but all that would 
> happen is everyone would mark their patches as urgent, therefore making the 
> entire exercise useless.  Otherwise, flooding the network with urgent 
> packets would make quite an interesting attack.  bad idea.
> QOS won't save the world in exactly the same way that UDP and multicast
> didn't.
What QOS does the internet have in general? We need simply to have
enough local bandwidth, enough of a buffer, enough parallel requests and
enough redundancy.
> > If you really want to do streaming you need to have a reasonable QOS 
> > gaurantee.   I don't see how you are going to get this from fred.  I am 
> > concerned that we are essentially encouraging people to write DOS clients, 
> > that don't have a chance of working in all but the most contrived test 
> > scenarios.
> Yes, I am writing tools to DOS the network :-p.  I am teh l33t h4x0r.
You mean like the Frost d00dz? Killer apps will always cause substantial
load. We need to deal it.
> I do think you're being a little pessemistic here.  Don't misread me, I don't
> suggest for a moment that we are going to achieve truely live streaming, but
> this being said I did manage to listen to almost an hour (57 minutes, if you
> must know specifics) with a 15 minute delay being streamed from two of matt's
> perminant nodes to my transient (ex)node.  I know that this is not terribly
> impressive, but the network is always (usually ^_^) improving.  While this
> test is partially contrived, because yeah, I was controlling both the client
> and the server, it was nonetheless being transported through the production
> network.
Hey, not bad! This is at 32kbps?
> Perhaps it is stupid, and perhaps I am wasting my time.  But I believe it
> is within the realms of possibility, even if yours does not.  I won't lie, 
> you need, right now, two nodes on a broadband connection to server a stream 
> at all reliably.  This is obviously unreasonable.  But I also believe that
What exactly about it is unreasonable? Non-broadband nodes are generally
> this situation will only improve over time, and is mostly fred getting
> overloaded with insert requests (remember, inserts take at least 3x the time
> of a retrieval :-p).  (This is, btw, the reason the ClientInfo patch exists).
NIO should help a lot [with load], and will be a primary focus of 0.5.2. 
What ClientInfo patch?
> > The right way (tm) to do this is to make a servlet that prefetches audio 
> > files and presents them for later retrieval over http.  That would be cool.  
> > But don't call it streaming.  You could even have play lists which could be 
> > updated via enumerated SSKs or DBRs.  Use FEC, healing, and write a good UI 
> > and you might be pretty close to having the killer freenet app.
> This is not the right way(tm) to do this, and does address what I'm trying
> to at all.  The whole point of this exercise is live media.  
Where 15 minutes is "live"? :)
I doubt we're going to ever get the lag down to a reasonable level,
it'll always be far more than streaming over the regular inet... <flame>the
only real use for it is to relay an existing stream over freenet, where
you can't rearchitecture it into a DBR playlist or whatever... it looks
to me like the non-infringing uses are pretty limited :)</flame>
> > Freenet *is not* a replacement for internet radio.  It is much more 
> > interesting than that.
> While this is true, in my opinion, the architecture freenet is not the bad match 
> for this task that you believe it is.  To be fair, you are far more of an 
> authority on what freenet is or isn't than me ;). 
>               - jj

Matthew Toseland
Full time freenet hacker.
Freenet Distribution Node (temporary) at http://amphibian.dyndns.org:8889/RMMHBxLOISw/

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