> What QOS does the internet have in general? We need simply to have
> enough local bandwidth, enough of a buffer, enough parallel requests and
> enough redundancy.

Assuming this isn't a rhetorical question - the only guarantee that the 
Internet makes at the IP layer is that your packet will probably reach 
its destination soon after you send it, and it probably won't be 

> What exactly about it is unreasonable? Non-broadband nodes are generally
> worthless.

Well, many broadband connections can only upload at 20kbytes/sec, so for 
a 40kbyte/sec stream you need two of them, irrespective of how you are 

> NIO should help a lot [with load], and will be a primary focus of 0.5.2. 
> What ClientInfo patch?

I was given the impression that NIO would be a massive undertaking.  you 
don't think so?


Ian Clarke                ian@[freenetproject.org|locut.us|cematics.com]
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