Hi all:

I'm running 5038. The problem indicated below generally crops up after a
few hours of running my node, it's been taking place for the last few
builds.  Everything runs just fine for a few hours, then all of a sudden,
the number of threads skyrockets out of control until Freenet (or
perhaps Java itself) collapses with Out Of Memory errors.

Any idea what might cause this? Symptoms are on a P3 600 with a 10 gig
store, if there are other relevant settings, ask and I'll tell.

Current routingTime 0ms 
Curent messageSendTimeRequest 0ms 
Pooled threads running jobs 6526 (1,274.6%) 
Pooled threads which are idle 396 
Current upstream bandwidth usage 21 bytes/second (0.1%) 
Reason for refusing connections: activeThreads(6520) >= maximumThreads (512) 

I have the thread limit set to 512. When this problem crops up, the disk
starts thrashing like all holy hell, and eventually Freenet dies with
Out of Memory as the most recent log entries. It's sporadic; I have kept
recent builds up for 24+ hours with no problem, then the thread overage
kicks in after a couple of hours on the next run.

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