On Wed, 19 Nov 2003 12:33:21 +0100
"Niklas Bergh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> 1. What are all those threads registered as doing and what OS and JVM
> version and so on are you using? Can you give us all the data from
> http://localhost:8888/servlet/nodeinfo/internal/env

I have no idea what the threads are doing; if I manage to catch this
problem in progress before it cripples my node, I'm lucky to be able to
load anything at all. The hard drive thrashing on that machine is what
usually alerts me that this is taking place, and I typically go straight
for "General Information" to see what's going on.  As for the
environment, here is the current info, note that this is after just
restarting the node, while everything is working OK:

Architecture x86 
Available processors 1 
Operating System Windows 2000 
OS Version 5.0 
Java Virtual Machine  
JVM Vendor Sun Microsystems Inc. 
JVM Name Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM 
JVM Version 1.4.2_01-b06 
Memory Allocation  
Maximum memory the JVM will allocate 130,112 KiB 
Memory currently allocated by the JVM 32,396 KiB 
Memory in use 18,779,432 Bytes 
Estimated memory used by logger None 
Unused allocated memory 14,392,176 Bytes 
Data Store  
Maximum size 10 GiB 
Free space 1,431,240 KiB 
Used space 9,054,520 KiB 
Percent used 86 
Total keys 20624 
Space used by temp files None 
Maximum space for temp files 3,579,139,520 Bytes 
Most recent file access time Wed Nov 19 05:57:39 CST 2003 
Least recent file access time Sun Oct 12 08:28:23 CDT 2003 
Current IPv4 address 
Current IPv4 port 8320 
ARK sequence number 2 
Last ARK sequence number inserted 2 
Thread Pool  
Total pooled threads 14 
Available pooled threads 5 
Pooled threads in use 9 
Pooled Thread Consumers  
Class Threads used 
Checkpoint: Connection opener  8 
freenet.interfaces.LocalNIOInterface$ConnectionShell 1 

> 2. Where exactly are those threads stuck? It would be good if you could
> provide us with a complete stack dump. To generate a full dump (windows
> method) you need to run fred from a console and hit ctrl-Break (keep a
> large screenbuffer). 

Can you give any pointers on how to run Freenet from the console under
Windows? I've run Freenet on OSX and FreeBSD, but I'm not familiar with
the appropriate Windows command line arguments; the wrapper app seems to
control all of the parameters on Windows.

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