On Thu, Aug 14, 2008 at 7:35 PM, Matthew Toseland
>> The reality is that most users won't be choosing between Freenet and
>> nothing, they will be choosing between Freenet and something like a
>> web proxy, and even opennet is preferable to that.
> No, they'll be choosing between Freenet and Tor, if they have any sense. And
> if all you want to do is browse the web anonymously, Tor is better - in fact,
> Freenet does not provide web browsing at all. If you want to publish content,
> life is a good deal more complicated than that.

Your logic is flawed.  You are saying that if the user can do what
they want with Tor (browse the web anonymously), then they should use
Tor.  I agree.  That means that the users that should be considering
Freenet don't have the option of using Tor, because Tor doesn't meet
their needs.  So users won't, in fact, be choosing between Freenet and
Tor, because they do different things.


Ian Clarke
CEO, Uprizer Labs
Cell: +1 512 422 3588
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