On Monday 22 Jul 2013 18:32:39 Victor Denisov wrote:
> > 2) Most people on Freenet have no real enemies and so care far too
> > much about their friends' feelings and not enough about their actual
> > enemies, compared to our threat model.
> I think it's slightly different. Let's imagine I'm a passive pedophile;
> a stranger sees me watching child porn in the park and calls the police.
> If I scram immediately, chances of me getting caught would be
> (relatively) low. If my friend will see me watching child porn (or doing
> anything similarly offensive), chances are high that I'm doomed, as
> he'll be able to provide law enforcing agencies with enough information
> to virtually guarantee my capture.
> Same with Freenet. When a stranger (no matter if he's an active attacker
> or a casual observer) detects that my node transfers objectionable
> material, it's one thing. "They" - at least, with the current judicial
> system in the (more or less) developed countries - still have to seize
> my computer and find the evidence there, attempting which will, or will
> not be, successful. If a friend detects that same transfer, and finds it
> objectionable enough to alert the authorities - and, let's face it, most
> *real* free speech contents *will be* objectionable for the majority of
> people - I'm doomed, as he'll be able to provide enough evidence -
> possibly even by using my trust to compromise my computer, etc.

Perhaps. But IMHO compelling, bribing or encouraging users to spy on their 
peers by providing a plugin for them to self-police is a relatively expensive 
attack - the state's probable first reaction is to ignore and suppress the 

Anyway, as I said, PISCES provides us with a tunneling solution over darknet 
freenet, which is immune to a single evil friend. We can't do this on opennet 
with any meaningful security.

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