On Wednesday 31 Jul 2013 23:27:26 Steve Dougherty wrote:
> On 07/31/2013 10:50 AM, Matthew Toseland wrote:
> > On Wednesday 31 Jul 2013 00:01:05 Steve Dougherty wrote:
> >> On 07/30/2013 05:45 PM, xor wrote:
> >>> On Tuesday, July 30, 2013 02:38:28 PM Steve Dougherty wrote: 
> >>> [snip]
> >>> How do you obtain the list of identities which you offer
> >>> the user to chose from? You should use GetIdentitiesByScore with
> >>> positive score filter (and context filter "Infocalypse", I think
> >>> it supports that as well). Where do you present him with the
> >>> list? Ideally, the UI which shows the list should pass through
> >>> the ID so you don't have to filter by nickname.
> >> 
> >> There is no list to choose from. The user types something like "hg
> >> pull freenet:p0s/WoT" and Infocalypse resolves it to a URI (not
> >> necessarily one in the same subspace) and fetches it.
> > 
> > Okay. The difficulty here is that there might be more than one p0s.
> > We should always use the p0s we used last time, for security's sake.
> > This is probably part of the reason why e.g. git has a list of
> > remotes for each repository.
> > 
> > Maybe you should keep a list of aliases? Or boost an identity's trust
> > when you pull from it? Really this should be WoT functionality.
> I don't see why this needs to be anything more complex than aborting
> when an identifier used to look up an identity matches more than one
> identity. One need only specify the entire identity ID, perhaps with
> nickname for convenience, to always uniquely specify an identity. This
> partial matching is only for convenience.

That makes a DoS too easy, makes mistakes too easy, and generally sucks lemons 
for both security and usability.
> For local identities it should be really easy for someone to figure out
> which one they mean because the search space is very limited, and they
> created every identity in it. For remote identities it might involve
> more investigation.
> I think that making sure the identifier refers to the identity they want
> is the user's responsibility, not the software's responsibility. All the
> software has to do is halt if the user is anything less than specific
> enough to be exact.

Git already HAS this functionality. A git repository has a list of remotes by 
nickname. Each remote corresponds to a specific external repository URL. That's 
all I'm asking for.
> The only possible problem I see with this is people pasting nicknames
> with maliciously indistinguishable UTF-8 characters intended to
> impersonate another identity. The solution to that is: "Type the
> nickname yourself or check/include the identity ID."

More dubious security issues for no reason. :(

git remote add operhiem1 operhiem1/fred
^^^^^^^^ Look it up at *this* point
git pull operhiem1
^^^^^^^^ Use the full URL (public key / USK / WoT identity) that we added.
> >>> [snip]
> >>> I think such a function is mandatory for WOT anyway: There can be
> >>> multiple identities with the same nickname but the UI needs to
> >>> display unique nicknames. The de-facto solution for that is to
> >>> amend the nickname by including "@<part of identity ID long
> >>> enough to make it unique>". Freetalk does this already in its own
> >>> code. Instead WOT should compute those amended nicknames and
> >>> store them.
> >> 
> >> I'd be fine with adding this as a "DisplayNickname" field or
> >> something. It seems like a useful supplement to identicons.
> One thing I don't like about this way of handling nicknames is that they
> can change, and it's confusing when someone's name changes. If there is
> "person@AB" and I'm seeing them as "person@A" and "person@AC" comes
> along I have to go back and check which one is the "person@A" I knew
> from before. However, identicons and displaying the entire identity ID
> on a details page are enough that I don't think it's something worth
> looking into right now.
> > Right, managed locally, with older nicks and higher trust nicks
> > taking precedence. Or something like that?
> I prefer the policy of: "Refuse to perform any ambiguous operation. Do
> not jump to assumptions about the user's intent. Being surprising is
> bad." I see no reason to build some system with a complex set of rules
> and assumptions when requiring the user to be more specific is easier to
> program and easier to understand.

And make it trivial for anyone to make developer's lives a PITA, even when we 
have enough information to deal with the problem transparently.
> It's worth noting that with the "fn-" commands URIs are in some cases
> saved in full USK form, so they only resolve once. Perhaps it would be
> good to have the built-in commands do something similar with setting
> paths in .hg/hgrc. (Including comments to make it clear what identifier
> resolved to the USK.) That way an identifier need only resolve once,
> after which it becomes a path which is always the same identity.

> > DSCMs have security requirements...
> Yes. Using a VCS that can sign commits is helpful here.
Right, but the key security requirement here is that if I pull from operhiem1 
today, and there's no ambiguity, or even if there was, we remember which 
operhiem1 that was, and then when I pull from operhiem1 tomorrow, it uses the 
same operhiem1: The same cryptographic identity.

I agree that signed commits are important, but they're not what we're 
discussing here. And they themselves need a PKI.

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