Am Sonntag, 29. März 2015, 13:43:42 schrieb Ian:
> Nothing you are advocating will change anything if we simply don't have
> enough people willing to do code reviews.  At least with my proposal it
> will be a much less painful process than it appears to be today.

Florent put that pretty well: There’s no problem with reviewing work
from unpaid contributors. It’s work from paid contributors for which
we need structures which reduce the cost of code-review compared to
what you propose - and not reviewing code isn’t an option anymore:
since toad left we managed to decentralize the project structures to
some degree, and allowing unreviewed pushes would void the additional
safety against compromise and dependendcy on individuals which that
decentralization offers. We need to get to a point where we can cope
with having anyone leave the group without notice, and that means that
every change must be known by at least two people.

Best wishes,
Ich hab' nichts zu verbergen – hab ich gedacht: 


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