On 10/20/2015 10:10 PM, Dan Roberts wrote:
> Hi Everybody,
> Is anyone interested in a Freenet hackathon?

I am!

> Given the rather dire sounding "Project Status" thread, one
> of the first threads I caught since I signed up for the ML, I think a
> this might be useful to re-envigorate the project.


> Proposal
> ========
> I propose that the Freenet Project hold a 48-hour weekend hackathon
> (00:00 Saturday to 23:59 Sunday) sometime this fall or winter, and
> advertise it for a month or so prior.

Sounds good. I can look into whether something around my local
cryptoparty can get involved as well.

> To do this, the project needs a few things:
> 1. A straight forward goal or priority, and lots of low-hanging-fruit
>    bugs contributing to that goal.

Any ideas for that? Fixing UI annoyances? Probably-physical-layer bugs
like https://bugs.freenetproject.org/view.php?id=6612 ? Going through
and finding strange code that can be improved? Darknet invites?

UI things seem likely to be the most accessible thing for newcomers that
comes to mind.

> 2. A guide to getting up and running quickly (perhaps gradle is useful
>    here?). https://wiki.freenetproject.org/Building_from_source
>    definitely needs a bit of help either way though (I can at least
>    update the command-line section).

https://github.com/freenet/fred/pull/412 exists and could be a good
starting point; I agree that gradle seems like a better near-term solution.

> 3. Support for green developers. There will be a lot of questions.
>    (Although it may lead to a "blind-leading the blind" situation, I
>    volunteer here.)

I plan to be around as well. Anyone else?

> Possible issues
> ===============
> I imagine one possible objection to this initiative is that code
> reviewer time is finite, perhaps the increased contribution volume would
> actually be counterproductive? If this is the case, then a hackathon is
> probably a non-starter, unless a large backlog of non-critical patches
> is acceptable.

I'd be surprised if people go from a new codebase to anything requiring
long review in the span of 48 hours. I'll be around, and hopefully other
people who can review things as well, so I'd expect us to be able to
deal with much if not all of it very quickly.

> The other issue is that few if any of us are in the same time zones. I
> believe this is pretty much a non-issue, it would be a 48-hour event,
> and if all existing developers commit to participating for some portion
> of the weekend, there will probably be significant overlap (which is
> good).
> Even if there is zero new-developer turnout, it would be useful to the
> project to have a designated time when everyone is working together (and
> in fact perhaps be more productive in that sense).


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