I am hoping to be free then. I'd love to work on some crypto related
stuff in fred. Either more on some of my unfinished APIs like signatures
and hashing or actually just implementing the finished ones in more
places that nextgens hasn't already worked on with his current work.


On 10/25/15 5:09 PM, Dan Roberts wrote:
> I can commit to December 19-20th. If anybody has a strong objection to
> those dates please speak up soon, otherwise I'd like to consider those
> dates fixed.
> Regardless of date, does anyone have an opinion on topics?
> - Steve made a good point that UI code is probably a good topic for
> newbies, as it generally shouldn't require deep knowledge of Freenet.
> - Dean also mentioned just generally "bug squashing", I think I'd
> prefer to be slightly more focused but it could work well.
> - I don't believe localization should be a primary focus of this
> hackathon, but it might be a good secondary topic, or topic of a
> future hackathon.
> - If the veteran-to-newbie ratio is high, perhaps some deeper topics
> could be attempted. We'll know closer to the date what to expect. If
> that were the situation, do any veterans have some particular bugs
> they'd want to attempt?
> Any other suggestions?
> Thanks,
> Dan
> On Fri, Oct 23, 2015 at 3:14 PM, xor <x...@freenetproject.org> wrote:
>> On Friday, October 23, 2015 08:26:39 AM Dan Roberts wrote:
>>> Hi Steve,
>>>     Thanks for proposing a date, unfortunately I actually have final
>>> exams the week of December 14th so I have very limited availability
>>> that weekend. I was also hoping to try to rally some people from my
>>> university, so the weekend before finals week is doubly difficult.
>>> However, realistically, I think I'd be lucky to attract more than 2-3
>>> interested students anyways, so that may not really matter, especially
>>> if Dec 12-13 works best for others.
>> I would be unhappy if you didn't participate! :) You've done very good at
>> acquiring lots of knowledge during the IRC discussions, and you should get
>> your chance to be able to finally hit the keyboard with code :)
>> What about Dec 19 & 20?
>> People are anyway more likely to have vacation then than the weekend before,
>> so it might be a better date for everyone?
>> Greetings
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