On Friday, October 23, 2015 08:26:39 AM Dan Roberts wrote:
> Hi Steve,
>     Thanks for proposing a date, unfortunately I actually have final
> exams the week of December 14th so I have very limited availability
> that weekend. I was also hoping to try to rally some people from my
> university, so the weekend before finals week is doubly difficult.
> However, realistically, I think I'd be lucky to attract more than 2-3
> interested students anyways, so that may not really matter, especially
> if Dec 12-13 works best for others.

I would be unhappy if you didn't participate! :) You've done very good at 
acquiring lots of knowledge during the IRC discussions, and you should get 
your chance to be able to finally hit the keyboard with code :)

What about Dec 19 & 20?
People are anyway more likely to have vacation then than the weekend before, 
so it might be a better date for everyone?


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