On 10/21/15 13:54, Steve Dougherty wrote:
> On 10/20/2015 10:10 PM, Dan Roberts wrote:
>> Hi Everybody,
>> Is anyone interested in a Freenet hackathon?
> I am!

I think this is a great idea.

> ...
>> Given the rather dire sounding "Project Status" thread, one
>> of the first threads I caught since I signed up for the ML, I think a
>> this might be useful to re-envigorate the project.
> Agreed.
>> Proposal
>> ========
>> I propose that the Freenet Project hold a 48-hour weekend hackathon
>> (00:00 Saturday to 23:59 Sunday) sometime this fall or winter, and
>> advertise it for a month or so prior.
> Sounds good. I can look into whether something around my local
> cryptoparty can get involved as well.
>> To do this, the project needs a few things:
>> 1. A straight forward goal or priority, and lots of low-hanging-fruit
>>    bugs contributing to that goal.
> Any ideas for that? Fixing UI annoyances? Probably-physical-layer bugs
> like https://bugs.freenetproject.org/view.php?id=6612 ? Going through
> and finding strange code that can be improved? Darknet invites?
> UI things seem likely to be the most accessible thing for newcomers that
> comes to mind.

This is true, it could also be partly a bug squashing party? That gives
us lots of small attainable goals ( maybe...) .

>> 2. A guide to getting up and running quickly (perhaps gradle is useful
>>    here?). https://wiki.freenetproject.org/Building_from_source
>>    definitely needs a bit of help either way though (I can at least
>>    update the command-line section).
> https://github.com/freenet/fred/pull/412 exists and could be a good
> starting point; I agree that gradle seems like a better near-term solution.
>> 3. Support for green developers. There will be a lot of questions.
>>    (Although it may lead to a "blind-leading the blind" situation, I
>>    volunteer here.)
> I plan to be around as well. Anyone else?

Id like to be around if I can, although I'm more on the green side ;-)

>> Possible issues
>> ===============
>> I imagine one possible objection to this initiative is that code
>> reviewer time is finite, perhaps the increased contribution volume would
>> actually be counterproductive? If this is the case, then a hackathon is
>> probably a non-starter, unless a large backlog of non-critical patches
>> is acceptable.
> I'd be surprised if people go from a new codebase to anything requiring
> long review in the span of 48 hours. I'll be around, and hopefully other
> people who can review things as well, so I'd expect us to be able to
> deal with much if not all of it very quickly.
>> The other issue is that few if any of us are in the same time zones. I
>> believe this is pretty much a non-issue, it would be a 48-hour event,
>> and if all existing developers commit to participating for some portion
>> of the weekend, there will probably be significant overlap (which is
>> good).
>> Even if there is zero new-developer turnout, it would be useful to the
>> project to have a designated time when everyone is working together (and
>> in fact perhaps be more productive in that sense).
> Agreed.

If this could be made a regular thing it could be advertised and could
definitely help newbie's get involved.


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