On 24/10/15 23:44, dean wrote:
> On 10/24/15 08:09, Ximin Luo wrote:
>> On 23/10/15 00:09, dean wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I have been hacking on the freenet debian package for a little while and
>>> I think I have gotten it up to a usable stage. Id like some feedback if
>>> someone would like to browse/test it please
>> Hey, thanks for the work! I was the last person to work heavily on the 
>> debian packaging.
>> Since then, I have become a Debian Developer so will be able to review and 
>> sponsor any uploads. I will try to review your updates soon.
> Wow that's fantastic!, your help will be invaluable, thank you.

Alright, I've gone and updated debian.git to use up-to-date packaging 
standards. Hopefully it's more simpler too.

I've temporarily disabled the GWT requirement. This is easier to maintain than 
bundling GWT, but in the long run (i.e. to meet Debian policy) we will need to:

- package GWT for debian again (very hard), or
- remove the relevant stuff that requires GWT from fred

>> One thing to note is that ./build-freenet-daemon.sh contains some out-dated 
>> practise for building a debian package. 
>> There are also things in debian/TODO to take note of. I will also try to 
>> tidy these things up soon...
> Would git-buildpackage be appropriate for this? I have updated the TODO
> and will try to work on these too.

I think gbp-buildpackage is unnecessary at this stage, since freenet changes so 
often. But if you think it's better, feel free to add a "upstream" branch 
without the debian/* directory, and maybe even a "pristine-tar" branch.

I went through your work and incorporated some of it, such as fixing https 
links etc. Here are some more comments:

- Freenet is heavily integrated with the Java Service Wrapper. If we do add 
systemd support, it will have to be via the wrapper, and I don't know if 
upstream are working on that.

- We need to update libbcprov-java in Debian. I think it's much better to do 
this, than to bundle our own. Updating a Debian package usually not hard, if 
you read up on the relevant docs beforehand. It is much easier than bundling 
extra libs in another package.

- We shouldn't use legacy-29 in the Debian package. Someone should work on 
dropping legacy-29 from fred, rather than backporting support for it into other 
products. When built with the master branch of contrib, the debian packaging 
will use the latest version of everything in Debian, including the wrapper. 
There should be no version mismatch, since we automatically generate 
/etc/init.d/freenet-daemon during the build, from the latest version of the 


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