On 11/05/2015 06:15 PM, xor wrote:
> On Thursday, November 05, 2015 03:40:31 PM Ian wrote:
>> Also, I think the current site is worse than the version during testing due
>> to the placement of the donation bar, which it is clear is causing
>> significant confusion.
> The main goal with the new large bar is having people see it since it is an 
> emergency fundraiser since we're unable to pay me... So due to the emergency 
> it ought to be an eye-catcher and thus IMHO is fine to be the first thing on 
> the page as it is now.

I'd like to move it below the download button anyway.

The donation bar would continue to be plenty visible directly below the
download button. As it is it's confusing, especially for new visitors
and those on mobile devices. I'd react to seeing an appeal for donations
before I learn what the thing is similarly to a site which covers the
screen in a suggestion to sign up for its mailing list when I'm trying
to read an article - not charitably. On mobile devices the donation bar
can be the only thing visible when the page first loads, and I'm not
interested in moving the donation bar below the intro only on mobile.

There is also evidence that the donation bar's current extreme
prominence is confusing people; moving it down might help.

2015-11-05 14:26:17 qwebirc93233 Hi there
2015-11-05 14:27:47 qwebirc93233 I have some questions
2015-11-05 14:29:04 mrsteveman1 hi qwebirc93233
2015-11-05 14:32:37 qwebirc93233 Is donate necessary ?

> Wikipedia has also had the donation request as the first thing on the page 
> for 
> their previous few yearly fundraisers. They're supposed to know what they're 
> doing - they usually need millions of dollars.

I'm not sure its apparent effectiveness for Wikipedia means it's a good
idea here. It's certainly exasperating when they do it.

> With regards to the "it is impolite to first ask for money and only 
> afterwards 
> have the download button" criticism which was mentioned somewhere:
> We should grow a spine and realize that it is not impolite.
> We've been giving away free software for 16 years, at a total of > 350 000 
> lines of code now. Thats a lot of free stuff. We *CAN* ask for money; and we 
> can ask first place during emergency situations. Giving away free software is 
> not something which people should take for granted - everything in life 
> usually costs money. We're still in the very high positive space of karma :)

I, too, think it's impolite or at least likely to annoy people or not be
as effective as it could be. Why would someone want to donate before
they download the software or even know what it is? I disagree that
those reasons make the current bar placement a good idea for the reasons

Out of respect for you instead of just moving it I have published it as
a pull request: https://github.com/freenet/website/pull/22

> However, as someone said elsewhere, what *could* be done is trimming some of 
> the large empty spaces on the page. That would improve the visibility of the 
> "What is Freenet?" section without moving the bar out of the focus.

Thanks to bertm the vertical space is now reduced, and the page is now
valid HTML. [0][1] I've also added "The Freenet Project Inc is a
non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation." between the bar and "Donate!" button.

- Steve

PS: As an aside, Wikipedia has a large amount of money and seem to be
raising enough to create a trust. They have $77 million net assets
compared to annual expenses around $5 million. [2]

[0] https://github.com/freenet/website/pull/20
[1] https://validator.w3.org/nu/?doc=https%3A%2F%2Ffreenetproject.org%2F

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