On Friday, November 06, 2015 03:55:46 PM Ian wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 5, 2015 at 5:33 PM, xor <x...@freenetproject.org> wrote:
> > On Thursday, November 05, 2015 03:35:30 PM Ian wrote:
> > > Really?  It looks nothing like a typical Bootstrap site.  I think it
> > 
> > might
> > 
> > > have been better to stick much more closely to the standard Bootstrap
> > > CSS
> > > (eg. light background).
> > 
> > With regards to "light background": We won't ever win this situation.
> > We had a light background, so people complained we should get a dark one.
> I don't know who these "people" are that advocated for a dark background,

I'm not certain whether they were humans, but I hope I am one :D
- I actually spent multiple *hours* in configuring my KDE, Eclipse, etc. to be 
all dark background everywhere as it's feels more pleasant for my eyes 
personally. I feel like very bright light everywhere is annoying.
Also, I feel like light on dark creates a lot more contrast than the opposite, 
and thus is more readable.

Also, a green on black terminal is 1337 :)
(And isn't green the color where we have the most receptors for in the eyes, 
which would explain why it feels very readable for me?)

So those "people" do exist, there is at least one - but of course this doesn't 
answer whether I'm the majority or minority here.
So how about we settle such "which taste is the majority?" things with a poll?
Or with A/B testing even, as long as someone bothers to implement an identical 
bright version of the site :|

> If both were equally valid, then how come almost no popular website on the
> Internet has a dark background?

Hmm. Good point. The ones I can think of:
- Netflix
- that popular porn site :)
- Not a website, but very widely used nevertheless: Android's default theme is 
dark background.
- Imgur
- Bing even uses light grey on dark grey

They are a minority indeed, but they do exist :|
What I wonder: Do the popular company sites do light on dark due to more of a 
psychological decision than a readability one? They might believe "dark = 
shady, and we shouldn't look shady to our customers". I actually brought up 
this reasoning as well when we discussed our site revamp, I was at first 
opposed to the dark background as well for this reason solely: Freenet's 100% 
free speech inherently makes people consider it shady; and with the dark 
background we might support that.
(I actually disagree with this reasoning now: I think it's sometimes good to 
give people they stereotype they expected - then they know they googled 
themselves to the right place, and thus don't leave immediately.)

hopstolive  (keyword for Ians spam filter)

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