All, I've paid Xor's latest invoice, there is just $53.42 remaining in the
project bank account.  If someone could make the appropriate update to the
website, I'd appreciate it.

There is $1515.77 in Paypal, which I will now xfer to the bank account.

I am pretty convinced that it would be a bad idea to allow Xor to continue
working if the project doesn't have sufficient funds.

Aside from any potential legal problems, imagine what our pitch to donors
becomes at that point - "Hey, donate money so that we can pay off our
debts".  Not exactly a compelling pitch :/

And meanwhile Xor is potentially getting himself into a difficult financial

I believe that it would be irresponsible to go down that path.  If we want
Xor to keep working, we need a strategy for raising more money.  I think
this strategy will need to be to achieve specific goals that we lay out.
Perhaps we could explore a KickStarter - but that would only work if it is
to achieve something big and externally very visible (such as rebuilding
FProxy using a modern JavaScript framework like Bootstrap/React and
modernizing the installers).



Ian Clarke
Founder, The Freenet Project
Devl mailing list

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