On 03/02/16 10:36, Travis Wellman wrote:
> On Mon, 2016-01-04 at 02:26 +0100, Arne Babenhauserheide wrote:
>> What blocks Freenet adoption?
> I mention Freenet in conversations often.
> I think #1 is that it's slow. Slow means that people who don't have to
> use it won't. Our users who are relatively technically savvy have less
> time/patience than ever.
Agreed, performance matters.
> Developers, developers, developers, developers. It could be easier to
> create applications backed by Freenet. Something akin to an app store
> would unlock huge potential growth IMO. A UI that helps new users
> navigate cool things that they can do with Freenet once it's installed.

Much harder. Unfortunately Freenet makes it exceptionally difficult to
sandbox untrusted code. Plus you have to rewrite everything anyway
because it's fully distributed - it's a completely different model to
just about everything else. So that means it's down to plugins and apps.
We have quite a few of them, but we need more. A proper documented
plugin API will help - and there has been some work on documentation.
Getting WoT working well will help, and better deployment of our
existing tools e.g. Sone...

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