On Sun, Jan 3, 2016 at 5:26 PM, Arne Babenhauserheide <arne_...@web.de> wrote:
> I asked myself that question. These are my answers. Please add yours!

> Note: This is just for listing. Please don’t discuss these before January 
> 16th.

Quoted for emphasis, at this point let's just compile a list of what
each of us considers to be high priority issues, perhaps we can find
shared areas of high priority work to be done.

I did write a little bit about some of the points, consider them
additions rather than the start of discussion, please.

> What blocks Freenet adoption?
> - Our themes look clunky and our web-interface is slow. Why is access
>   to bookmarked activelinks slow? Why isn’t 404 sent instantly (for
>   bookmarked activelinks) -> remove the checkbox “has an activelink?”,
>   just check instead. Prefetch activelinks at random intervals.
>   -> FreeStyle announced in FLIP to be working on new themes.

+1 to all of these. Winterface is a potential boon here. While I've
done a bit of work on it, I don't feel like I have a list of important
features that need implementing, and at least a couple of the bug
reports I found were already fixed.

** I invite comments about specific particularly ugly parts of FProxy
that Winterface can/should cover **

> - Hackers in-the-know reject Darknet due to the non-implemented fix
>   for the Pitch Black Attack. It’s been simulated several years ago
>   and just needs implementation.
> - Our installers often fail -> Work is already being done for Windows
>   and OSX (short of being deployed) and for Debian packages. Gentoo
>   mostly works (except for a hard-to-trace compression bug).
> - No working Darknet invites. We say “use darknet”, but advise
>   against that (“only connect to …”) and don’t make it easy and
>   useful. And new Darknet users get horrible performance. I invited
>   about 5-7 people over the past years, and at least 3 left again
>   because Darknet with a single friend is slow. For the others I
>   moderated the noderef exchange with my existing friends by manually
>   sending them each others references. To get adoption via Darknet,
>   this has to be fast on the initial connection without additional
>   manual interaction ← requirement.


> - WoT consumes too many resources (build 18 is faster, but my node
>   OOMs now, also without Sone).

+1 if it's possible to improve significantly

> - New users don’t see what they can do with Freenet.

+ 1

also +1 to Steve's point about objectionable content limiting adoption
(we can't do anything about this without compromising our philosophy,
but perhaps we can improve the perception for new users) I think these
points are related, if Freenet offers a compelling feature list, but
also has some objectionable content, that situation is much more
likely to retain users.

> We don’t fix
>   that, because starting to use WoT takes over an hour, so most of our
>   services can’t be shown to new users.

+ 1 I believe the process of bootstrapping trust can have its user
experience significantly improved

> -> recover flircp and add it as
>   official plugin, active by default with random name per startup
>   to avoid timing attacks. Autoconnect to #public or such.

+1 depending on details

> - Does not work on mobile phones -> now that db4o is gone, it could be
>   worthwhile to change that. Using only while connected to power and
>   wifi should give 8-16 hours uptime (given that people plug in their
>   phones at night, at work and in trains), which is more than what
>   half the nodes in Freenet have. Freenet can cope with 30% backoff,
>   so being offline 30% of the time should work.

+ 0.5

> - Opennet starts slowly. Our seednodes are overloaded. -> announce
>   through previous peers.

+ 1 assuming the security implications are acceptable, I assume
smarter people in the project already know what those implications are

> - Our website looks much better now, but it still needs serious design
>   work to get on par with modern sites. It’s at a point where I’m
>   happy to show it, but not yet at a point where someone who randomly
>   hits the site instantly feels a desire to try Freenet.

+ 1

> As you see, most of these can be fixed.
> Please add what I missed.
> Best wishes,
> Arne
> --
>       Writing about Freenet
> http://draketo.de/stichwort/freenet
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