I think this looks good.


On Sun, Aug 17, 2008 at 7:56 AM, Theodore Hong
<theodore.hong at cl.cam.ac.uk> wrote:
> Matthew Toseland <toad at amphibian.dyndns.org> wrote:
>> Thoughts? An obvious criticism is this is quite long, but nextgens has made
>> significant progress in stripping down the rest of the wizard, and this stuff
>> is more obviously related to what Freenet is for so I doubt users will be
>> greatly distressed by it...
> I like this setup.  It could make sense to keep network and treachery
> level separate since two common scenarios might be: I live in China,
> I'm scared of the government and I choose my friends carefully
> (network = high, friends = low/medium), or I live in the US, I'm not
> that worried about the government but I've never met any of these
> random friends on IRC (network = low/medium, friends = high).
> Here's a stab at shortening the text a bit:
> How concerned are you about powerful organizations (government, ISP,
> etc) attempting to monitor or block your use of Freenet?
> I intend to access information that could get me arrested, imprisoned,
> or worse.  I am worried about my government or ISP blocking Freenet.
> I understand that Freenet is experimental and *cannot* ensure security
> against certain known attacks, but I accept the risks compared to the
> alternatives.  Freenet will not connect to unknown nodes, so **you
> must have at least 5 friends already using Freenet to select this
> mode**.
> I live in a relatively free country, but I would like to make it more
> difficult for others to monitor my communications.  Freenet will be
> reasonably careful to protect your anonymity, at some performance
> cost. Freenet will automatically connect to unknown nodes.  We
> recommend that you add friends running Freenet and upgrade to HIGH.
> LOW:
> I do not care about monitoring and want maximum performance.  It may
> be quite easy for others to discover my identity.
> How concerned are you about those you add as friends attempting to
> monitor your activities, either deliberately or as a result of their
> computers being compromised?  (This is a default level and can be
> overriden on a per-friend basis.)
> HIGH: I would like Freenet to take extra precautions to avoid attacks
> from friends.  Freenet will not share any additional information with
> friends.
> MEDIUM: I am not overly concerned about attacks from friends, but I
> would like Freenet to take reasonable precautions at some performance
> cost.  Freenet will share a limited amount of information with
> friends.
> LOW: I am not concerned about attacks from friends.  I trust my
> friends and their computer security abilities.  Freenet will trust
> friends fully.
> How concerned are you about your computer being physically seized and 
> examined?
> HIGH: I am concerned.  Freenet will use additional hard drive encryption.
> LOW: I am not concerned.  Freenet will use only basic encryption.
> theo
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Ian Clarke
CEO, Uprizer Labs
Email: ian at uprizer.com
Cell: +1 512 422 3588

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