* Ian Clarke <ian at freenetproject.org> [2008-12-14 06:48:57]:

> On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 8:16 PM, Zero3 <zero3 at zerosplayground.dk> wrote:
> > That covers mine, toads and nextgens opinions. What do everyone else think?
> Here are my thoughts:
> Bundling
> ----------
> I don't have a problem with bundling per-se provided we are judicious
> about what gets bundled.  In issues like this I think its instructive
> to look at what other installers do and I think its pretty clear that
> bundling dependencies is the norm, not the exception.
> That being said, I don't have a big problem with downloading
> dependencies on-demand either.  I don't think there is a big
> difference in the user experience in either case.
> So I could live with either solution.
> Building the installer automatically on emu
> --------------------------------------------------
> The idea that a compromised Emu could lead to the compromising of tens
> of thousands of Freenet users is very scary indeed.  That being said,
> this is a risk with any software that is downloaded from a web server
> anywhere.  Its more a bug in the lax security models of today's
> operating systems, than in anything we are doing in particular.
> Again, I think we should look to the norm for other software, and the
> norm is that automatic building of in-development software is pretty
> common (Firefox, etc).
> Ian.

Other softwares have got different goals. For them, neither censorship
resistance nor user anonymity is a concern. It is *obvious* that we
might have to chose different technical solutions, even if it's to
address similar problems.

I do not think that "looking to the norm for other software" is the way
to go in our case.
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