Luke771 schrieb:
> I can't comment on the technical part because I wouldnt know what im 
> talking about.
> However, I do like the 'social' part (being able to see an identity even 
> if the censors mark it down it right away as it's created)

"The censors"? There is no central authority to censor people. "Censors" can 
only censor the
web-of-trust for those people that trust them and which want to see a censored 
net. You cant and
should not prevent them from this, if they want it.

> On the other hand tho, if a user knows that it will take his system 
> three days or a week to finish the job, he may decide to do it anyway.
> I mean the real problem is 'not knowing' that it may take a long time.
> A user that starts a process and doesnt see any noticeable progress 
> would probably abort, but the same user would let it run to completion 
> if he expects it to take several days.

Why use this sort of announcement, if it takes several days? Announcement over 
captchas takes only
around 24 hours, which is faster and needs less resources. So i dont see any 
real reason for

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