On Saturday 24 October 2009 01:55:02 Juiceman wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 7:47 PM, Matthew Toseland <toad at 
> amphibian.dyndns.org
> > wrote:
> > On Saturday 24 October 2009 00:38:48 Juiceman wrote:
> > > On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 3:56 PM, Matthew Toseland
> > > <toad at amphibian.dyndns.org> wrote:
> > > > I have merged the beta branch of the wininstaller, in accordance with
> > instructions from Juiceman and Zero3. The main changes in this branch are
> > that it doesn't create a custom user to run Freenet in (which caused many
> > problems for many users installing it due to password policies, anti-virus
> > software, and things we don't understand), and that it has a system tray
> > icon, from where the user can conveniently (provided his system tray isn't
> > hopelessly cluttered already) start or stop or browse Freenet.
> > > >
> > > > In testing, it works, and so does Freenet. However there are a number
> > of issues we need to deal with:
> > > > - "Launch Freenet after installation" - Freenet will run anyway,
> > launching it means browsing it, maybe we should change "Launch Freenet" here
> > and in the system tray menu to "Browse Freenet"?
> > > > - TUFI menus don't show up well in Chrome. Chrome is our default
> > browser on Windows because it has incognito mode, which we use. The author
> > of TUFI should fix the stylesheet so that the drop-down menus are usable on
> > Chrome, please! (Can somebody please forward this request via the FMS board
> > please?)
> > > > - Chrome sometimes seems to lose the web interface CSS, showing either
> > a blank screen or a non-styled copy of the loading a page or dangerous
> > content page. There were no errors in the log concerning fproxy. Reload and
> > even shift+reload make no difference, but restarting Chrome fixes this.
> > Initially I had thought it might be related to it using lots of connections
> > as I was loading many sites with many images, but that didn't seem to make
> > any difference. Thoughts?
> > > > - We have a flag to tell Freenet that we are running Chrome in
> > incognito mode, which will show a much shorter and less worrying browsers
> > warning at the beginning of the wizard. However, bugs in Chrome mean that
> > just because we tell Chrome to open Freenet in incognito mode doesn't mean
> > it actually will. I had turned off this flag, Juiceman turned it back on,
> > for now I have turned it back off, because it is a security issue. Thoughts?
> > > >
> > > > The next build will be released with the new installer in any case.
> > >
> > > Remember to put the revised update.new.cmd on the website please.
> >
> > Are you sure that the wget over HTTPS works? There might be certificate
> > issues, as Freenet uses a startcom free cert? I.e. do I need to revert that
> > change first?
> > >
> > > Also, if you put the real freenettray.exe there I can finish and test
> > > the update script so we can have that functionality.
> >
> > Done.
> >
> I am getting a zero length file  (or a 404 error depending on which mirror I
> get directed to) when I do wget.exe --timeout=5 --tries=5 --waitretry=10
> http://downloads.freenetproject.org/alpha/installer/freenettray.exe -O
> freenettray.exe
It's a perversity of the set of redirect rules we use. Use checksums:

I thought the java fetcher thing already used checksums?
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