Matthew Toseland wrote:
> We need to migrate the Wikka wiki to MediaWiki, because the latter is 
> standard and we will be able to host it externally. E.g. sourceforge Hosted 
> Apps allows for data import for MediaWiki.

The wiki isn't really kept enough up-to-date, is it? I personally think 
the idea of something more integrated (like Trac) would be awesome. 
MediaWiki seems a bit over-do for Freenet?

> - Dev intelligence i.e. stuff people have said. If these are corroborated 
> quickly they should be acted upon, else they should be closed.

Something integrated (same user account, for starters) might help 
motivating people to put this stuff in the wiki as well.

> If we keep the bug tracker:
> - We need to find somewhere to host MANTIS. Probably we will have to pay for 
> this.
> - We need to keep it up to date ourselves, which is somewhat involved. It may 
> not be as bad as nextgens implies though.
> - Minimum immediate work.

I personally think Mantis is *very* bad usability-wise. Trac, Launchpad, 
and many other bug trackers are much easier to use. If we even have to 
pay just to keep that thing running, I'd say find something else.

> If we don't keep the bug tracker:
> - We can use any hosted bug tracker anywhere. E.g. Sourceforge Hosted Apps 
> includes both Mantis and Trac. We will likely be able to avoid any fixed 
> monthly payments.
> - We can use any bug tracker: Mantis, Trac, etc. See below.
> - We will need to do a "spring clean": Keep the current bug tracker up for a 
> while but read-only, *manually* migrate any important bugs and issues to the 
> new tracker.
> - This will be significant work.
> - It will involve going over the bugs, dumping those which are out of date, 
> abandoned etc, and rewriting those bugs and feature issues that are still 
> valid. Trac's wiki functionality may be useful for this, although it loses 
> the ability to link bugs formally.
> - It may be a useful exercise in terms of prioritising and de-junking.
> However, we have 20 weeks left of funding, so we have to ask whether spending 
> a week de-junking is worth it?

If it comes down to costing us ?40-?80 per month... It quickly runs up. 
I'm up for giving a hand and doing 5 'a day of the de-junking and 
moving. I'm sure there are more people around willing to give a hand.

> An important related point: Relatively few end-users use the current bug 
> tracker. It is on the Contribute menu on the website, but the main reason 
> IMHO is it is not very newbie friendly. Uservoice is a reasonable solution 
> for end-user feature suggestions and gauging public opinion, but because it 
> does not force users to register their email addresses, it is worthless for 
> solving individual reproducible bugs. It might reasonably be argued that we 
> should have a separate issue tracker or forums system for end-user bug 
> reports. Also, it may make sense for the developer-oriented bug tracker to be 
> open source, whereas it matters less for the end-user tracker, because 1) 
> end-users care less, and 2) long term stuff with detailed implementation 
> notes is likely to be on the developer-oriented bug tracker.

Again, let's find something more user-friendly than Mantis :/

> If this line of reasoning is correct, we need to choose an end-user-oriented 
> issue tracker or forums system (either way ideally gratis and hosted) to 
> complement Uservoice. Suggestions?

It would make sense to find a tracker that both users and devs can use. 
Saves the overhead of moving things from e.g. a forums system to a bug 

- Zero3

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