On Friday 30 October 2009 17:10:02 Zero3 wrote:
> Matthew Toseland wrote:
> > We need to migrate the Wikka wiki to MediaWiki, because the latter is 
> > standard and we will be able to host it externally. E.g. sourceforge Hosted 
> > Apps allows for data import for MediaWiki.
> The wiki isn't really kept enough up-to-date, is it? I personally think 
> the idea of something more integrated (like Trac) would be awesome. 
> MediaWiki seems a bit over-do for Freenet?
> > - Dev intelligence i.e. stuff people have said. If these are corroborated 
> > quickly they should be acted upon, else they should be closed.
> Something integrated (same user account, for starters) might help 
> motivating people to put this stuff in the wiki as well.

I agree it would help, but maybe not by very much? It would however make it a 
lot more readable.
> > If we keep the bug tracker:
> > - We need to find somewhere to host MANTIS. Probably we will have to pay 
> > for this.
> > - We need to keep it up to date ourselves, which is somewhat involved. It 
> > may not be as bad as nextgens implies though.
> > - Minimum immediate work.
> I personally think Mantis is *very* bad usability-wise. Trac, Launchpad, 
> and many other bug trackers are much easier to use. If we even have to 
> pay just to keep that thing running, I'd say find something else.

Is Trac easy enough *for end-users*?
> > If we don't keep the bug tracker:
> > - We can use any hosted bug tracker anywhere. E.g. Sourceforge Hosted Apps 
> > includes both Mantis and Trac. We will likely be able to avoid any fixed 
> > monthly payments.
> > - We can use any bug tracker: Mantis, Trac, etc. See below.
> > - We will need to do a "spring clean": Keep the current bug tracker up for 
> > a while but read-only, *manually* migrate any important bugs and issues to 
> > the new tracker.
> > - This will be significant work.
> > - It will involve going over the bugs, dumping those which are out of date, 
> > abandoned etc, and rewriting those bugs and feature issues that are still 
> > valid. Trac's wiki functionality may be useful for this, although it loses 
> > the ability to link bugs formally.
> > - It may be a useful exercise in terms of prioritising and de-junking.
> > 
> > However, we have 20 weeks left of funding, so we have to ask whether 
> > spending a week de-junking is worth it?
> If it comes down to costing us ?40-?80 per month... It quickly runs up. 
> I'm up for giving a hand and doing 5 'a day of the de-junking and 
> moving. I'm sure there are more people around willing to give a hand.

That would be helpful yeah. I can then subscribe to some sort of feed and 
review rather than having to do everything myself. :)
> > An important related point: Relatively few end-users use the current bug 
> > tracker. It is on the Contribute menu on the website, but the main reason 
> > IMHO is it is not very newbie friendly. Uservoice is a reasonable solution 
> > for end-user feature suggestions and gauging public opinion, but because it 
> > does not force users to register their email addresses, it is worthless for 
> > solving individual reproducible bugs. It might reasonably be argued that we 
> > should have a separate issue tracker or forums system for end-user bug 
> > reports. Also, it may make sense for the developer-oriented bug tracker to 
> > be open source, whereas it matters less for the end-user tracker, because 
> > 1) end-users care less, and 2) long term stuff with detailed implementation 
> > notes is likely to be on the developer-oriented bug tracker.
> Again, let's find something more user-friendly than Mantis :/
> > If this line of reasoning is correct, we need to choose an 
> > end-user-oriented issue tracker or forums system (either way ideally gratis 
> > and hosted) to complement Uservoice. Suggestions?
> It would make sense to find a tracker that both users and devs can use. 
> Saves the overhead of moving things from e.g. a forums system to a bug 
> tracker.

Is it possible? Is Trac something that end users can use?
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