On Saturday 06 November 2010 19:39:09 cvollet at gmail.com wrote:
> 2010/11/6 Ian Clarke <ian at locut.us>
> > On Sat, Nov 6, 2010 at 12:24 PM, Matthew Toseland <
> > toad at amphibian.dyndns.org> wrote:
> >
> >> Awesome. I'm having difficulty viewing the svg's due to local technical
> >> problems. It might save me time if you could post JPEGs or something?
> >>
> >
> > +1 for jpeg or png, I've tried viewing these in several different apps and
> > they look screwed up in all of them.
> >
> > Yep, dunno why I didn't do that directly... (and svg should open fine in
> inkscape).
> Anyway, see attached.

Ooooh, interesting.

First, IMHO passwords should be optional. Maybe even configurable based on 
initial seclevels. We are not going to have separate client layer databases for 
each user, since we want everyone's downloads to work simultaneously - and most 
nodes will have one user, who may have multiple accounts for e.g. different 
chat pseudonyms. If passwords are disabled, we can have a simple dropdown login.

Second, I like the idea of having a traffic light for darknet vs opennet vs 
connection problems. I'm happy to defer to folk who better understand usability 
on how to deal with system notifications, just as long as we do deal with them.

I like the idea of searching forums, mails and friends. This implies adding 
more functionality, of course... A publish-to-friends files list, Freemail with 
a web interface and searching, and searching in Freetalk, and a way to tie them 
all together. Also eventually we will have WoT-based search - we still need to 
solve the "darknet friends" versus "anonymous friends" naming issue.

I'm not sure how much social-style functionality we want at the darknet level, 
since it's only visible to our friends? Although it might be propagated further 
configurably if some users wanted that? Not sure whether "user groups" makes 

For anonymous WoT-based peers, we need a profile page for each of the peers on 
the WoT, with trust levels, applications, any social stuff they publish etc...
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