Has there been any progress towards implementing this? A status report -
even if "too busy, sorry" - would be appreciated.

On Sun, Nov 6, 2011 at 10:50 PM, Juiceman <juiceman69 at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sun, Nov 6, 2011 at 3:11 PM, David ?Bombe? Roden <
> bombe at pterodactylus.net> wrote:
>> **
>> Hi Matthew,
>> > Also we could have many "streams" of test builds, by different
>> developers,
>> > and thus let them release whatever they want to without it being
>> > officially endorsed, but the users still be able to use the update.sh
>> > <name> / update.cmd <name> conveniently.
>> That would require quite some trickery in the update scripts, especially
>> in the Windows version of it, I guess.
> Not really.  Just need to make the download path a variable that is set at
> the beginning of the script.  I could do the Windows script in less than an
> hour once decided how the files are named and where they are kept.
>>   > True. Eventually we need real builds. Right now me, Ian and Nextgens
>> could
>> > do a release (in some cases with significant effort). It may be that
>> > others should be added to that list.
>> Uhm? yes. One person on that list doesn?t have the time to do it anymore,
>> and the other two persons are? who are they, anyway? Ian has even less time
>> than you do, and he?s been completely detached from Freenet development for
>> years now; Nextgens at least sometimes drops by and tells us our crypto
>> sucks. :)
>>  > It's all automated, but it's a question of what level of automation is
>> > sufficiently secure. A build MUST be SIGNED by a specific developer, and
>> > his signing keys must be encrypted. So I don't think release-on-commit
>> is
>> > a good idea. However there is a set of scripts that allows a developer
>> to
>> > release a build reasonably easily - provided he has the secret keys and
>> > SSH access to freenetproject.org.
>> I didn?t necessarily mean non-interactive server-side automation.
>> Building and signing could happen locally but script-supported.
>>  > Big features should of course be on feature branches. Beyond that, it
>> makes
>> > sense to have people who can build test-builds who can't actually do a
>> > release, and they should have their own repositories.
>> The way I see it test builds are releases as well; they just have to be
>> requested manually from those users that like to live on the bleeding edge.
>> Other than that I don?t see any distinction, especially not on their
>> ?officialness.?
>>  Greetings,
>>  David
>> --
>> David ?Bombe? Roden <bombe at pterodactylus.net>
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