Hi Matthew,

> Also we could have many "streams" of test builds, by different developers,
> and thus let them release whatever they want to without it being
> officially endorsed, but the users still be able to use the update.sh
> <name> / update.cmd <name> conveniently.

That would require quite some trickery in the update scripts, especially in 
the Windows version of it, I guess.

> True. Eventually we need real builds. Right now me, Ian and Nextgens could
> do a release (in some cases with significant effort). It may be that
> others should be added to that list.

Uhm? yes. One person on that list doesn?t have the time to do it anymore, and 
the other two persons are? who are they, anyway? Ian has even less time than 
you do, and he?s been completely detached from Freenet development for years 
now; Nextgens at least sometimes drops by and tells us our crypto sucks. :)

> It's all automated, but it's a question of what level of automation is
> sufficiently secure. A build MUST be SIGNED by a specific developer, and
> his signing keys must be encrypted. So I don't think release-on-commit is
> a good idea. However there is a set of scripts that allows a developer to
> release a build reasonably easily - provided he has the secret keys and
> SSH access to freenetproject.org.

I didn?t necessarily mean non-interactive server-side automation. Building and 
signing could happen locally but script-supported.

> Big features should of course be on feature branches. Beyond that, it makes
> sense to have people who can build test-builds who can't actually do a
> release, and they should have their own repositories.

The way I see it test builds are releases as well; they just have to be 
requested manually from those users that like to live on the bleeding edge. 
Other than that I don?t see any distinction, especially not on their 



David ?Bombe? Roden <bombe at pterodactylus.net>
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