On 24/07/11 11:35, Ximin Luo wrote:
> On 24/07/11 11:28, Marco Calamari wrote:
>> On Sat, 2011-07-23 at 22:49 +0100, Ximin Luo wrote:
>>> fix pushed to github.
>>> actually i just realised that the revision of fred that the submodule 
>>> pointed
>>> to had a known bug in, which was later fixed, so i've also bumped the 
>>> revision
>>> to build01387. you might want to update your local git repo too.
>>> On 23/07/11 22:28, Ximin Luo wrote:
>>>> try this:
>>>> line 78 in build-freenet-daemon.sh:
>>>> - change "git submodule update" to "git submodule update --init"
>>>> lemme know if it works and i'll push the fix.
>> Need to download all dependencies you list, but the last two
>>  (experimental) was downloaded by hand.
>> Add this unlisted dependency  libservice-wrapper-j
> really? freenet-daemon builds-depends on service-wrapper, which depends on
> libservice-wrapper-{java,jni} - you shouldn't need to download the latter two
> explicitly, apt-get should do this automatically.

clarification: if you downloaded the .debs manually, yes you'll also have to do
this for its dependencies. however you can have aptitude install from
experimental by using this command:

$ aptitude -t experimental install service-wrapper

you'll need the experimental suite enabled in /etc/apt/sources.list, and you
probably also want something like

APT::Default-Release "testing";

(or whatever suite you're using) in your /etc/apt/apt.conf.

(I still don't understand your troubles below, seems like you were trying to
solve a non-existent problem by moving stuff around / running scripts from
weird directories?)

>> Doing only the suggested correction gave this error
>> fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
>> fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
>> build freenet-daemon
>> - clean previous build products...
>> - update submodules...
>> fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
>> To complete the process and start an apparently working daemon
>>  I made a big test matrix: here the result
>> 1) untar a fresh copy at the user main dir level
>> 2) remove any .git directory
> untar a fresh copy of what? you shouldn't need to untar anything if you clone
> debian-staging...
>> 3) do a git init
>> 4) do a git pull git://github.com/freenet/debian-staging.git
>> 5) make the correction you suggest
>> 6) run the corrected script from the parent directory
> what parent directory is this? build-freenet-daemon.sh is meant to be run from
> its own directory, i.e. the top repository directory of debian-staging.
> the steps I tried:
> $ git clone git://github.com/freenet/debian-staging.git
> $ cd debian-staging
> $ ./build-freenet-daemon.sh
> this should work if you have all build-dependencies installed (Build-Depends:
> in debian/control)
>> Lot of unusual messages come from initializing freenet, bot on log and
>> from user interface.
>> I'll prepare another post if useful; in the meantime what is the
>>  status of non-sun Java compatibilities? Being my present daemon
>>  compiled with
> works fine on openJDK, personally i recommend using that (as it's the official
> JDK of debian.)
>> OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.0-b11, mixed mode)
>> I'll try to run it with it. Again, are probable problems
>>  listing useful for the maillist?
>> Thanks. Marco
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