On 24/07/11 15:33, Marco Calamari wrote:
> Mhhhh... let me restart and present me
> I'm an old time programmers that still use cvs, not svn, not git
> Never seen a Freenet debian package before.
> As a long runner of freenet I was interested to use
> a debianized freenet.
> So your mail point me there
> https://github.com/freenet/debian-staging
> with no further instruction. from there I clicked  
> download and get a tarball with a small README
> Started from there
> Build-Depends: cdbs, debhelper (>= 7), javahelper, quilt, adduser (>=
> 3.11),
> git-core, default-jdk, ant, ant-optional, ant-contrib, jflex, junit4,
> libcommons-collections3-java, libcommons-compress-java, libdb-je-java,
> libecj-java, libgwt-dev-java, libservice-wrapper-java, service-wrapper
> Apt-getting listed dependencies showed that
> last two was not in the repository, so I loaded it by hand; to do this 
> I need to load also the jni dependency I tell about.
> If something different need to be done to build the freenet daemon,
>  it is probably useful not only have the script stop, but also
>  have some explanation about the right path to follow.
> This of course if putting newbie on the right path is worthwhile
>  in this context.
> I need no more help; my daemon is running with minor problems and I'll
>  use it for a while, reverting back to the hand-installed one if 
>  major problems will happen.
> Thanks a lot for your work.  Marco
> Thanks a lot 

thanks, that was useful. i was assuming that someone who was going to try this
out, would be familiar with both freenet and debian build infrastructure (i.e.
using github), or inclined to read/debug the build script if it fails.

this isn't for general user distribution, and i don't think it's worth my time
to write detailed documentation right now, since stuff will probably change.

in general though, if you want to try building things posted to a dev list, you
should brief yourself on the project's build/development tools, to reduce the
number of spurious errors you might trigger.

anyway, thanks for helping catching the --init problem :)


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