Hi all,

I have prepared demos and have set up the repository after analyzing
application-releasenotes. Please check to see if the tests and demos are
working fine so we can move on to releasing the application.


On Tue, Jun 18, 2019 at 8:25 PM Fawad Ali <m.fawaadal...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I just gave a try to the latest code, well done with the Solr queries and
>> the search integration in the user interface, that's cool!
> Thanks Stephane. :)
> Imho the most convenient UX is the following for these widgets, something
>> similar to this map:
>>    http://carte.preference-commerce.fr/cci-fr/
>> That is:
>> - The facets can get activated from a button. When they get activated,
>> they show up in an overlay panel on top of the map, without hiding the list.
>> - The list gets displayed under the search input, in an overlay as well,
>> and can be completely hidden on request
> Just to clarify things, the facets here refer to the "Refine your search"
> area, the search input refers to the "Search in map" text input and the
> list refers to the map item search results. Is that right?
> If so, I believe, given the nature of XWiki's design with widgets to both
> the right and left (for the default flavor), the space is a little cramped
> for overlaying anything on the map. For the implementation of full screen
> maps, we can overlay search and facets but for the normal view, the map
> will become very small.
> Here is a mockup I prepared based on my understanding of your suggestions:
> https://up1.xwikisas.com/#SB7B5mLNnfnUVAogWTLarw
> Let me know what you think?
> I have also come up with an idea to generalize the museum maps import and
> export you created, Stephane. We could have a standard form of wikidata
> query with some extra custom parameters for each location like the
> MuseumClass in the Museums' case. These extra parameter will be checked in
> JSON and classes will be created if required so that objects can be
> associated to each map item and then later facets can be used based upon
> these newly created classes.
> Also, due to unprecedented circumstances within college, my exams have
> been delayed for this week and will start from next week. So I will be
> working this whole week on the project as opposed to what I told earlier.
> Best,
> Fawad
> On Mon, Jun 17, 2019 at 11:04 PM Stéphane Laurière <slauri...@xwiki.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Fawad, Caty, all,
>> > Hi all,
>> > Hoping that everything is going well.
>> >
>> > Stephane, I was able to do implement most of your suggestions except
>> the search results list.
>> I just gave a try to the latest code, well done with the Solr queries and
>> the search integration in the user interface, that's cool!
>> > I am not too sure where I should place it. As per the latest build, the
>> filter widget appears to the left. Do you think it is practical that we
>> replace this widget with the search results when the user wants to see the
>> search results and show the widget back again when the user clicks on the
>> widget control? I am not too sure what approach I should choose here in
>> terms of UX.
>> > Ecaterina, your views on this would help a lot. Thanks. :)
>> Imho the most convenient UX is the following for these widgets, something
>> similar to this map:
>>    http://carte.preference-commerce.fr/cci-fr/
>> That is:
>> - The facets can get activated from a button. When they get activated,
>> they show up in an overlay panel on top of the map, without hiding the list.
>> - The list gets displayed under the search input, in an overlay as well,
>> and can be completely hidden on request
>> It's rather close to what Google Maps proposes as well, except that the
>> facets replace the list in that case (when hitting "Autres filtres"), which
>> is a bit less convenient in my opinion, but not a big deal:
>>    https://www.google.com/maps/search/Restaurants/@48.865957,2.352974,16z
>> What do you think?
>> > Also, do you foresee the map to take full browser height and width as
>> is seen in all the examples you gave me?
>> That would be a nice feature to have a button on the map to turn it
>> full-screen indeed, similarly to what happens with the XWiki text editor.
>> Cheers
>> Stéphane
>> > Regarding the release, I will try preparing everything by tonight so
>> that it is available for your review, including the demo tests that Vincent
>> suggested.
>> >
>> > Best,
>> > Fawad
>> >
>> >
>> > On Thu, Jun 13, 2019 at 12:59 PM Stéphane Laurière <slauri...@xwiki.com
>> <mailto:slauri...@xwiki.com>> wrote:

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