Am 03.12.18 um 03:21 schrieb Michael Ross via dia-list:
> I believe that Steffen (managed producing a windows installer) and Hans
> Breuer (who was the main decision maker about the direction of
> development) have passed on to their next incarnation. I think Tomas was
> suggesting to contact Gnome personnel.  Ownership of the project is
> locked up and we need to get a new owner defined.

I have contacted past Dia developpers/maintainers but have received no
feedback with the exception of Thomas Harding, who it seems to me would
also like Dia to live on in good shape (thanks for the support Thomas!).

I have been pointed to the desktop-devel-list on Gnome, where I have
subscribed to yesterday and will ask around if I can get commit access
to Dia and help maintaining it.

That said I still think that "the one who does the work gets to decide".
Most Dia resources are under Gnome control (the bug tracker(s), one of
Dia's homepages, the mailing list), however that can not stop anybody to
actually do the work and push Dia forward.

In that vein, I am still maintaining a Dia repository on Github [1]
where I'm trying to do useful things to Dia.

Over the weekend I have rebased my existing patches on the Gnome git
repository and into separate branches, so each branch that fixes
something should be mergeable independently [2].

There's a lot of bugs, patches and improvements in the old buzilla
bugtracker [3] and there's a lot of Dia forks on Github [2]. Stuff can
be pulled from there and integrated. -> !!! I very much wellcome pull
requests on Github !!! <-

So if any of you is willing to help:

* come over to Github [1]
* go through the bugs in the old bugzilla bug tracker [3]
  * have a look at the bugs
  * try to reproduce them
  * copy them over into Gnome's new Gitlab tracker [4]
  * comment on the tickets
  * pull patches from them
* fork my repo on Github [1]
  * patch stuff
  * send pull requests
* go through the forks on Github [2]
  * see what good they have to offer
  * send pull request

I'd prefer if the bugtracking could be done upstream in Gnome [4] so
issue tracking stays central, however since I have no write access to
Gnome's Dia repo, I'll try to maintain Dia on Github [1] for the time being.

Meanwhile I'll ask around on the desktop-devel-list [0] and we'll see
what happens.

All that said, my time is very limited. Whatever I can do I will
whatever I can't I won't.

To wrap up:
* I appreciate help, let's move Dia forward together
* please be kind


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