Am 02.12.18 um 18:38 schrieb Eduard Nicodei:

> In the original "Doing some work on Dia" email, Tomas mentioned:
>     Anyway, if anybody wants to help:
>     * triaging bugs
>     * providing patches or testing patch
>     * going through dia forks [3] and extracting useful things
> I could help out with any of those (been coding in C for more than 10
> years)
> I was wondering though
> if I could go about these in a prioritised / structure manner?  Or
> rather what would be the most helpful?

Decide for yourself, on the ones that you think are most importand or
most easily solved or whatever.

One thing that would certainly be very helpful is to go through the
tickets and to try to reproduce problems and mark them as such so that
it is known which bugs still apply. If you can't reproduce the problem
then get back to the original reporter. Many bugs are very old so
probably the OP has moved on since and you should be able to closed them
(or comment in that vein).

One issue I have noticed in particular is TeX people having problems
with character quoting. There's few (old) Dia forks floating around on
Github with fixes, however I do not understand the original problem. So
it'd be useful to go through the tickets and forks to explain, what
exactly the problem is, to see whether if we fix it we won't break other
stuff (escaping characters is a tricky business) and then to choose or
rework the best patch and to file a pull request against my Dia repo on

And one other thing: is it possible to subscribe to the old bugtracker
and to the new Gitlab one so one gets notified on changes?

> Also I'm guessing at the moment there is no real roadmap, etc?  Would it
> be useful first to come up with one?

I frankly don't think so, because at this point no one has the bird's
view of Dia.

> I'm open to discussion on the dia
> mailing list or IRC channels (though would prefer offline discussion via
> email / gitlab issues).

I'd prefer pull requests on Github, since that way work will get done.

Thanks for your push here Eduard, let's get Dia moving again, see you on
Github :-))
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