  I'm brand new to Dia, so please let me know if I'm treading on ground
already covered.  
  I would like to contribute to the dia project by adding data modeling
support with an 'export to SQL' option.  I may even build in the ability
to go straight to the SQL server to create tables.  Initially I would
like to support MySQL, but eventually add support for other RDBS later.
   My initial thoughts were to take the existing code for UML support
and modify it for an SQL library.
   Also, I can offer some website space for the Dia project if it is

Other areas that I would like to contribute are:
1. Automatic export from an SQL database of network infrastructure data
to a Dia network Diagram.  This will tie in to an existing project that
I am working on.
2. Dia plugin for netscape.
3. A system so that Dia can be used for collaborative work.

I'm interested in what the Dia community thinks of these ideas.

Cliff Meece

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