"Scot E. Wilcoxon" wrote:
> >   I would like to contribute to the dia project by adding data
> modeling
> > support with an 'export to SQL' option.  I may even build in the
> ability
> > to go straight to the SQL server to create tables.
> Are you thinking of something like the Toolkit for Conceptual Modeling?
>         http://wwwhome.cs.utwente.nl/~tcm/

Yes.  I just took a look at that project and it looks good.
> Or are you thinking of interfacing the UML editor to SQL, so editing a
> representation of a table would make the same change to the table in the
> DB?

Yes, that would be one of the longer range goals. 

> Or are you thinking of saving a drawing in a DB instead of in an XML
> file?

No, I wasn't planning on doing that.

Cliff Meece

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