I don't know anything about the internal code, but I was thinking of
reading the XML dia file and using it to generate a) SQL, b) python
code to read/write/query that DB, c) cgi's to provide a gui for the

I did a bit of that for tcm, but ran out of time.  (This time around
I'll make no committments.)

On Tue, 27 Feb 2001, Clifford Meece wrote:
> Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2001 22:12:25 -0600
> From: Clifford Meece <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Adding SQL support
> Hi,
>   I'm brand new to Dia, so please let me know if I'm treading on
> ground
> already covered.  
>   I would like to contribute to the dia project by adding data
> modeling
> support with an 'export to SQL' option.  I may even build in the
> ability
> to go straight to the SQL server to create tables.  Initially I
> would
> like to support MySQL, but eventually add support for other RDBS
> later.
>    My initial thoughts were to take the existing code for UML
> support
> and modify it for an SQL library.
>    Also, I can offer some website space for the Dia project if it
> is
> needed.
> Other areas that I would like to contribute are:
> 1. Automatic export from an SQL database of network infrastructure
> data
> to a Dia network Diagram.  This will tie in to an existing project
> that
> I am working on.
> 2. Dia plugin for netscape.
> 3. A system so that Dia can be used for collaborative work.
> I'm interested in what the Dia community thinks of these ideas.
> Sincerely,
> Cliff Meece
Harry George

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