This is the ultimate 'digital divide'---

Teletruth News: New Report and Survey. September 23, 2008 (Contact info

New Study and Real-World Testing of Over-the-Air Television (OTA) viewers: 
To read the report:   

DTV — Digital Tornado to Hit Rural Fringe Areas from Antenna, Lack of
Signal, and Technical Problems

New Real-World Test of Hunterdon, County, New Jersey Reveals 100% Loss of
New York Stations, 100% Lost of Some Stations Or No Reception with Current
Antennas and Converter Box Configurations.

FCC’s Wilmington Test Not Real-World Test for Most who Are Impacted by the
DTV Transition – Rural areas. Whole Communities Are Expected to be Impacted.

Teletruth Files Separate Data Quality Act Complaint — FCC's DTV and
Wilmington Data and Statements Play Down Harms — FCC's Needs a Class in
Basis Statistics.

Executive Summary 

Email to Teletruth:
“After I emailed you I also emailed every single person with the FCC that I
could find an email address for. I'm really, REALLY concerned for the safety
of my loved ones who rely on the TV for emergency situations and news. It is
also how my elderly family members stay "in touch" with the outside world”. 

EXAMPLE: Real World-Test Score of Hunterdon County, New Jersey. Customer has
large antenna on the roof. Test with converter box and current equipment —
100% loss of current programming, No New York or Philadelphia stations;
three of the same PBS station using multi-casting. Hunterdon County, NJ is
part of the New York Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) and is considered a
‘rural fringe’ area. 

With Current TV         Converter Box added
CBS Channel 2 NY                        NO Signal
CBS Channel 3 PA                        NO Signal 
NBC Channel 4 NY                        NO Signal 
Fox Channel 5 NY                        NO Signal 
ABC Channel 6 PA                        NO Signal 
ABC Channel 7 NY                        NO Signal 
WOR Channel 9 NY                        NO Signal 
CW Channel 11 PA                        NO Signal 
PBS Channel 13 NY                       NO Signal 
PBS, NJN Channel                        58.1
PBS, NJN Channel                        58.1
PBS, NJN Channel                        58.4

On May 14, 2008, Tom Allibone, Director of Audits for Teletruth, a resident
of Hunterdon County, New Jersey, and an FCC “DTV Deputy” bought a converter
box with his coupon to be able to have his free, over-the-air television
switch from an analog to digital signal, just like millions of Americans.
The box failed to deliver on signals of stations he currently enjoyed, and
though he received new channels, such as the Korean station, theses were not
programs he would be likely to watch.      

After a story came out about his experience in the Hunterdon Democrat with
contact information, 29 Hunterdon County residents called or emailed
Teletruth, as well as 6 other calls or emails from around the US. Teletruth
followed up with interviews as well as on-site visits to examine the
transition issues first hand.

Findings and Issues Summary:  Teletruth’s Data Contradicts FCC’s Proposed
Plans for the DTV Transition. 

Our sample of Hunterdon County over-the-air viewers found: 

1.      100% of those tested lost some of their current viewing channels,
even    with a large antenna.   

2.      100% of those tested lost ALL New York stations, even though
Hunterdon       County is part of the New York City MSA. 

3.      Some customers got higher quality for some channels in Philadelphia,
but still lost some of their Philadelphia channels. 

4.      The antenna and the technical expertise to actually get a signal in
rural areas may cost hundreds of dollars, if it can be done at all. 

5.      Based on our findings and findings from other researchers, whole
communities throughout the US could have a very high percentage of
households that will lose over-the-air free TV service.

6.      The FCC claims that Wilmington had 1% of the customers at risk while
their own data shows over 13% called about issues. 


7.      FCC’s Wilmington Test does not adequately address rural fringe

8.      How did the FCC and NTIA spend over $1 billion dollars and counting
on      the DTV campaign without actually testing the converter box and
antenna configurations, especially in rural fringe areas? 

9.      As of September 2008, over $300 million dollars has been lost in
expired coupons and other problems related to this transition.

10.     The FCC, NTIA as well as the NAB, NTCA and all of the channels using
the data provided by the these organizations including ABC, CBS, NBC,
Telemundo, Fox, PBS and other outlets are giving a false and misleading
impression about the requirements for this transition.

11.     Teletruth has filed a separate Data Quality Act Complaint against
the     FCC’s statements on the Wilmington and DTV transition. 

For more information: 

Bruce Kushnick, Chairman, Teletruth
Executive Director, New Networks Institute

Tom Allibone, Director of Audits
President, LTC Consulting

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