My opinion is that WIKIS are yet another useful source of valuable information, that must be dealt
with in a responseable way.. WIKIS are not a professional journal in which properly audited and filtered
scientici papers appear... you don't send a WIKI to several colleagues to provide their opinion
to a magazine editor !!!
BUT, I fully agree with amigo Taran, who I had the great pleasure of meeting in person at the CARDICIS
meeting in St Lucia, that WIKIS are here to stay, and should receive our support, as yet another
option open to those of us that want a better world !
Prof. Arnaldo Coro Antich


While the Wikis have their place in the online world, I would offer a word of caution before we applaud this source so loudly. Unfortunately, our students...speaking from a high school not realize that the information found in the Wikis is written by anyone and therefore negates the reliability as well as the authenticity of the information contained on the site. Students need to realize that based on acceptable web site evaluation criteria, this is not a "reputable" site. Neither I nor the teachers at my high school will accept any research information taken from a "wiki". As we try to bridge the Digital Divide let's give all Internet users the opportunity to locate information that is reliable and accurate. Alot of Internet users are of the opinion that everything found on the Web is true and the Wikis only foster that mistaken opinion.

That is truly a noble gesture where everyone can "create something larger than what one 
person can make" but how accurate is the information that is being added?  What Internet 
users need is the ability to evaluate information which I and my colleagues are trying to do.  
Unfortunately, when a web site such as the Wikipedia gets so much positive publicity it becomes 
very difficult to explain why this site is not a good source of information.


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