Hello Dave, 
>Actually, it doesn't...it's a speculation on the direction 
>of communications technology, and on what the next
>milestones might be.

We can call it 'speculation' or we can call it 'foresight'. 
But one thing we should look it is the practicality of 
how much 'power/memory' a person really need? Especially if
we are talking about CHILD? I can understand about all the
arguement about upskilling of technologies etc., and that
infact is even more important one should think about 
upgrades etc. What is easier to deal with ... distributed 
model or centralized model? especially the kind of audiences
and environment we are looking at AT PRESENT (overtime situation
would change of course). 

Telecenters and using TV as access tool -- My question has 
always been: why do we need a PC? Most of the answers I would
receive these days is: get to the internet. In that case, then 
we are looking at a tool to access internet. NOT a lap-top per se. 
Any tool. A way to get to information. In that case, one 
should provide a solution that is as holistic as possible. 
A solution that not only provide access to the internet, 
but also able to train the end-users, support the
end-users etc. 

Let's envision their environment. NOT our environment. 
Think what a child would need. NOT the needs of well educated, and
perhaps with good income adults. 

Except for a sigle posting, I wish there are more participants 
from the field. Then we would be able to hear from the horses' mouths. 
(not intended as insult!)



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